I have a shirt that belonged to my mother, carefully saved on a high shelf in a plastic bag. I’d meant to use it as part of a memory quilt—turn the shirt into squares and add them to a patchwork—but when I finally opened the bag, the smell of her still lingered on that simple everyday shirt she’d worn so often, and I couldn’t bear the thought of cutting it. It still sits on a high shelf, wrapped tightly in its plastic bag, and I know if I don’t open it, eventually the smell of her will fade, but I tell myself she is still there, tucked away, just down the hall, at least a little while longer…
Madame Backseat
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She is maybe seven years old, the little girl who catches my eye, one of the throng crowded around our remarkably pristine 1953 Hindustan Ambassador. Eight days ago, when we arrived for our holiday, our driver told us a person … Continue reading
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“You’re supposed to wear a button-down shirt. The loop that holds this hood on is supposed to hook over a button.” Bullshit. I was graduating with my PhD. I never once considered a button-down shirt. My outfit – a simple … Continue reading
The Book Doctor
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When I told my children I was going back to school this year, their first question was, ‘What for?’ Having completed twelve years of childhood studies, four years of undergraduate school and three years of grad school, they figured I’d … Continue reading
Fall from Grace
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You know how sometimes bad things happen for good reasons? As in, something bad happens to you, but you realise later that it was actually a really good thing that the bad thing happened? Well, that happened to me a … Continue reading
Mom’s Walking Stick
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This week, I finally got round to mailing my mom the gift I bought for her months ago, this walking stick. In terms of money, it wasn’t an expensive present—but as I said to my mother, the real gift would … Continue reading
Cricket Fail
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I can’t tell you what an amazing service I did for my community recently. Ok, I can—I took one for the team. This year, for the first time, both of my boys are playing cricket. It’s just Milo cricket which … Continue reading
My Kinda Princess
A few days ago, I posted what I liked and disliked about the newest Disney movie Frozen. In response, amazingly, a few people replied with angry fervour. I particularly loved the thread that suggested I should get a life instead … Continue reading
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I, Laura Fulton, being of sound mind and body, and with the certainty of my near demise, do hereby set forth to get my affairs in order. Along with my children, I have been taken hostage by the BIGGEST FRIGGING SPIDER … Continue reading
Hero Worship
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So, stop me if you’ve heard this one: DAD: Look kids! I got you a dog! KIDS: Yay! Dad’s the greatest! (Mom walks the dog, feeds the dog, gets up at 5am to potty train the dog, takes the dog to … Continue reading